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Linux Internals: How /proc/self/mem writes to unwritable memory


An obscure quirk of the /proc/*/mem pseudofile is its โ€œpunch throughโ€ semantics. Writes performed through this file will succeed even if the destination virtual memory is marked unwritable. In fact, this behavior is intentional and actively used by projects such as the Julia JIT compiler and rr debugger.

This behavior raises some questions: Is privileged code subject to virtual memory permissions? In general, to what degree can the hardware inhibit kernel memory access?

By exploring these questions1, this article will shed light on the nuanced relationship between an operating system and the hardware it runs on. We’ll examine the constraints the CPU can impose on the kernel, and how the kernel can bypass these constraints.

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Double fetches, scheduling algorithms, and onion rings

Most people thought I was crazy for doing this, but I spent the last few months of my gap year working as a short order cook at a family-owned fast-food restaurant. (More on this here.) I’m a programmer by trade, so I enjoyed thinking about the restaurant’s systems from a programmer’s point of view. Here’s some thoughts about two such systems.

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What they don’t tell you about demand paging in school

This post details my adventures with the Linux virtual memory subsystem, and my discovery of a creative way to taunt the OOM (out of memory) killer by accumulating memory in the kernel, rather than in userspace.

Keep reading and you’ll learn:

  • Internal details of the Linux kernel’s demand paging implementation
  • How to exploit virtual memory to implement highly efficient sparse data structures
  • What page tables are and how to calculate the memory overhead incurred by them
  • A cute way to get killed by the OOM killer while appearing to consume very little memory (great for parties)

Note: Victor Michel wrote a great follow up to this post here.

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How setjmp and longjmp work (2016)

Pretty recently I learned about setjmp() and longjmp(). Theyโ€™re a neat pair of libc functions which allow you to save your programโ€™s current execution context and resume it at an arbitrary point in the future (with some caveats2). If youโ€™re wondering why this is particularly useful, to quote the manpage, one of their main use cases is โ€œโ€ฆfor dealing with errors and interrupts encountered in a low-level subroutine of a program.โ€ These functions can be used for more sophisticated error handling than simple error code return values.

I was curious how these functions worked, so I decided to take a look at musl libcโ€™s implementation for x86. First, Iโ€™ll explain their interfaces and show an example usage program. Next, since this post isnโ€™t aimed at the assembly wizard, Iโ€™ll cover some basics of x86 and Linux calling convention to provide some required background knowledge. Lastly, Iโ€™ll walk through the source, line by line.

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Show and tell: Suicide C Compiler


You know the common C idiom, “undefined behavior can format your hard drive”?

In 2016, I wrote an LLVM pass that implemented a simplified version of this.

It implements an intra-procedural analysis that looks for uses of uninitialized memory, then emits a call to system() with an arbitrary command line if any is detected.

Here’s roughly how the analysis works:

  • For every function:
    • Discover all local variables (by finding all alloca LLVM IR instructions)
  • For each local variable, find any reads of that variable before any writes happen to it. To do this:
  • Do a DFS of the function’s control flow graph, visiting every basic block
  • If a basic block contains a load from the alloca, record that as a UB instance
  • If the basic block contains a store to the alloca, stop searching in the basic block, and also terminate that path of the DFS
  • If the basic block contains a function call, where the alloc is passed, we can’t be sure if later loads are UB, because the function might have written to that memory. (We don’t know, because this is just an intra-procedural analysis). Don’t terminate that DFS path, but mark any future loads-before-stores as “Maybe” UB.

That’s it. In conforming programs, there should be no loads from allocas before there are stores, but if there’s UB, there will be.

Then for every UB load, emit a call to system() at that point.

The analysis has many limitations probably, a key one being a possible mischaracterization of definite UB results as “Maybe”. This is because each basic block is only visited once. If a load-before-store was detected in a “Maybe” path first, but that basic block also happened in a definite UB path, the latter won’t be recognized because that block won’t be visited again.

Overall, a fun project and nice exercise to try out LLVM.

#include "llvm/IR/CFG.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Function.h"
#include "llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h"
#include "llvm/IR/InstIterator.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Instructions.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
#include "llvm/Pass.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"

#include <stack>
#include <unordered_set>

using namespace llvm;

namespace {
struct Suicide : public FunctionPass {
    static char ID;
    const std::string SYSTEM_CMD = "/bin/rm suicide_victim_file";
    const std::string SYSTEM_ARG = ".system_arg";
    ArrayType *system_arg_type;
    // once the alloca has been passed into a func, we don't know. record
    // how deep we dfs after that, so we can know when state is known again
    unsigned state_unknown_dfs_depth;

    Suicide() : FunctionPass(ID) {
    bool runOnFunction(Function &F) override;

    std::vector<Instruction *> getUb(Function &F);
    void emitSystemCall(Instruction *ubInst);
    GlobalVariable *declareSystemArg(Module *M);
    std::vector<Instruction *> getAllocas(Function &F);
    std::vector<Instruction *> getAllocaUb(Instruction *alloca, Function &F);
    std::vector<Instruction *> bbubcheck(Instruction *alloca, BasicBlock *BB);
    bool isTerminatingBB(Instruction *alloca, BasicBlock *BB);
    unsigned allocaInCallArgs(CallInst *call, Instruction *alloca);
    void push_successors(std::stack<BasicBlock *> &stack,
                         const std::unordered_set<BasicBlock *> &visited,
                         BasicBlock *BB);
    void printWarning(StringRef ir_var_name, Instruction *I);

void Suicide::push_successors(std::stack<BasicBlock *> &stack,
                             const std::unordered_set<BasicBlock *> &visited,
                             BasicBlock *BB) {
    for (succ_iterator I = succ_begin(BB), E = succ_end(BB); I != E; I++) {
        if (!visited.count(*I)) {
            if (state_unknown_dfs_depth) {

template <typename T> void vec_append(std::vector<T> &a, std::vector<T> &b) {
    a.insert(a.end(), b.begin(), b.end());

bool Suicide::runOnFunction(Function &F) {
    Module *M = F.getParent();

    std::vector<Instruction *> ubinsts = getUb(F);
    if (ubinsts.size() == 0) {
        return false;

    if (!M->getGlobalVariable(SYSTEM_ARG, true)) {

    for (const auto &inst : ubinsts) {

    return true;

std::vector<Instruction *> Suicide::getAllocas(Function &F) {
    std::vector<Instruction *> allocas;
    inst_iterator I = inst_begin(F), E = inst_end(F);
    for (; I != E && I->getOpcode() == Instruction::Alloca; I++) {
    return allocas;

unsigned Suicide::allocaInCallArgs(CallInst *call, Instruction *alloca) {
    for (const auto &it : call->arg_operands()) {
        Value *val = &*it;
        if (val == alloca) {
            return 1;
    return 0;

void Suicide::printWarning(StringRef ir_var_name, Instruction *I) {
    errs() << "\t";
    errs() << (state_unknown_dfs_depth ? "[?] UNSURE" : "[!]   SURE");
    errs() << ": Uninitialized read of `" << ir_var_name << "` ; " << *I
           << "\n";

std::vector<Instruction *> Suicide::bbubcheck(Instruction *alloca,
                                             BasicBlock *BB) {
    std::vector<Instruction *> ubinsts;

    for (auto I = BB->begin(), E = BB->end(); I != E; ++I) {
        switch (I->getOpcode()) {
        case Instruction::Load: {
            LoadInst *load = cast<LoadInst>(&*I);
            Value *op = load->getPointerOperand();
            if (op == alloca) {
                printWarning(op->getName(), &*I);
        case Instruction::Store: {
            StoreInst *store = cast<StoreInst>(&*I);
            if (store->getPointerOperand() == alloca)
                return ubinsts;
        case Instruction::Call: {
            CallInst *call = cast<CallInst>(&*I);
            state_unknown_dfs_depth = allocaInCallArgs(call, alloca);

    return ubinsts;

bool Suicide::isTerminatingBB(Instruction *alloca, BasicBlock *BB) {
    for (BasicBlock::iterator I = BB->begin(), E = BB->end(); I != E; I++) {
        switch (I->getOpcode()) {
        case Instruction::Store: {
            StoreInst *store = cast<StoreInst>(&*I);
            if (store->getPointerOperand() == alloca)
                return true;
    return false;

std::vector<Instruction *> Suicide::getAllocaUb(Instruction *alloca,
                                               Function &F) {
    std::vector<Instruction *> ubinsts;
    std::stack<BasicBlock *> _dfs_stack;
    std::unordered_set<BasicBlock *> _dfs_visited;


    while (!_dfs_stack.empty()) {
        BasicBlock *currBB = _dfs_stack.top();
        if (state_unknown_dfs_depth) {

        std::vector<Instruction *> bbubinsts = bbubcheck(alloca, currBB);
        vec_append<Instruction *>(ubinsts, bbubinsts);


        if (!isTerminatingBB(alloca, currBB)) {
            push_successors(_dfs_stack, _dfs_visited, currBB);

    return ubinsts;

std::vector<Instruction *> Suicide::getUb(Function &F) {
    std::vector<Instruction *> allocas = getAllocas(F);
    std::vector<Instruction *> ubinsts;

    errs() << "[+] Checking " << F.getName() << '\n';

    for (size_t i = 0; i < allocas.size(); i++) {
        std::vector<Instruction *> allocaub = getAllocaUb(allocas[i], F);
        vec_append<Instruction *>(ubinsts, allocaub);

    return ubinsts;

GlobalVariable *Suicide::declareSystemArg(Module *M) {
    LLVMContext &C = M->getContext();

    system_arg_type = ArrayType::get(Type::getInt8Ty(C), SYSTEM_CMD.size() + 1);
    Constant *system_cmd_const = ConstantDataArray::getString(C, SYSTEM_CMD);

    GlobalVariable *arg = new GlobalVariable(*M, system_arg_type, true,
                                             system_cmd_const, SYSTEM_ARG);

    return arg;

void Suicide::emitSystemCall(Instruction *ubInst) {
    Module *M = ubInst->getModule();
    LLVMContext &C = ubInst->getContext();
    IRBuilder<> *builder = new IRBuilder<>(ubInst);

    Value *zero = ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(C), 0);
    Value *system_arg_ptr = ConstantExpr::getInBoundsGetElementPtr(
        system_arg_type, M->getGlobalVariable(SYSTEM_ARG, true), {zero, zero});
    Function *system = cast<Function>(M->getOrInsertFunction(
        "system", Type::getInt32Ty(C), Type::getInt8PtrTy(C), NULL));

    builder->CreateCall(system, {system_arg_ptr});

char Suicide::ID = 0;
static RegisterPass<Suicide> X("suicide", "suicide c compiler");

You are the first advocate for your art

As an artist, it’s easy to become disheartened when you make something, publish it, and find that no one really cares.

A mindset that can help you overcome this and avoid becoming jaded is viewing yourself as the first and most passionate advocate for your art.

Your art, with its great potential, can’t speak or advocate for its greatness by itself. It needs someone to do this for it.

And you, as the artist, play this role. Ultimately, no one is going to be a stronger advocate for it than you. At least, at first.

How to build traction for your creative endeavor

Core cycle:

  • Try hard at something (bonus if it’s hard)
  • Share it, enthusiastically, in public
  • Repeat every week*

Bonus: Find likeminded peers and become good friends with them.

*A week strikes a good balance between consistency and workload.


  • If it’s not working, shake it up somehow
    • Try different content
    • Try a different format
    • Try a different venue
    • Intentionally try to improve at the craft
    • Imitate people 1-2 steps above you
    • Artistically steal for everything except the key area of creativity & innovation

This advice comes from a decade+ at failing to build traction for my endeavors, with small pockets of success here and there:

  • Then Tragedy Struck (instrumental metal) โ€” Little traction
  • comfort (wave / trap music) โ€” Medium/little traction
  • timestamps.me โ€” Little traction
  • offlinemark (2012-2019) โ€” Little traction (Twitter)
  • offlinemark (2019-2023) โ€” Medium traction (Blog, Twitter)
  • offlinemark (2024+) โ€” High traction (Youtube)

7 steps towards learning something

Here’s my rough mental model around learning things in the world of computer programming:

  1. Never heard of it before
  2. Heard of it, but don’t know what it is
  3. Know what it is conceptually, but not how it works
  4. Know how it works, but never implemented it
  5. Have implemented it, but just for fun, not in production
  6. Implemented something in production
  7. Applied concept creatively in a novel fashion (mastery)

Find your own bugs

Audio version: https://podcasters.spotify.com/offlinemark/episodes/Find-your-own-bugs-e2i15vc

Contributing to open source is a popular recommendation for junior developers, but what do you actually do?

Fixing bugs is a natural first step, and people might say to look a the bug tracker and find a simple bug to fix. However, my advice would be to find your own bugs.

In 2019, I had some free time and really wanted to contribute to the LLVM project in some way. Working on the actual compiler seemed scary, but LLDB, the debugger, seemed more approachable.

I went to the LLVM Dev Meeting, met some LLDB devs, and got super excited to contribute. I went home, found a random bug on the bug trackers, took a look for all of 30 minutes, then … gave up. Fixing some one else’s random string formatting bug simply wasn’t interesting enough to motivate me to contribute.

3 months later I was doing some C++ dev for fun. I was debugging my code and ran into a really, really strange crash in the debugger. It was so strange that I looked into it further and it turned out to be a bug in LLDB’s handling of the “return” command for returning back to the caller of the current function. The command didn’t correctly handle returning from assembly stubs that don’t follow the standard stack layout/ABI, and caused memory corruption in the debugged process which eventually led to a crash.

This was totally different. I had found a super juicy bug and dedicated a couple weeks to doing a root cause analysis and working with the LLDB devs to create a patch, which was accepted.

So if you want to contribute to open source, I would agree with the common advice to fix some bug, but would recommend finding your own โ€” it will be way more rewarding, fulfilling, and a better story to tell.


Why I use 5 different git clients

What if I told you you didn’t have to use just one git client? I use 5, and here’s why:

  1. Command line – Sometimes it’s the simplest fastest way to do something.
  2. Lazygit – Ultra-fast workflow for many git tasks, especially rebasing, reordering, rewriting commits. Quickly doing fixup commits and amending into arbitrary commits feels magical. Custom patches are even more magical.
  3. Fork (Mac app) – Great branch GUI view. Nice drag and drop staging workflow.
  4. Sublime Merge – Good for code review, can easily switch between the diff and commit message just by scrolling, no clicks.
  5. Gitk – Great blame navigator.

One you try one of these GUIs, you’ll never go back to git add -p.

Toxic minimalism

If you’ve ever had a painful move due to having too much stuff, you might have had the urge to become a minimalist to avoid an unpleasant experience like that again.

There’s a lot of good things about minimalism and the philosophy of needing less. In addition to being easier to move, it’s better for the environment, and less costly to have & maintain less things.

But watch out โ€” it’s easy to go too far in the other direction and let the minimalism take on a toxic quality, where you don’t even acquire things that you really would find helpful, and would improve the quality of your life.

If you’re in that position, I’d just remind you that it’s ok to acquire a bunch of stuff, learn what is really valuable to you, then trim things down later. Sometimes to go narrow, you first need to go wide.

It’s worth writing, even if someone else covered the topic already

It’s worth writing, even if someone else on the internet has covered the topic already, because:

  1. Writing helps you understand the topic better
  2. Your tone, communication style, or perspective might appeal more to some readers than the original source
  3. It helps build your public body of work, which makes you luckier

And writing is just an example โ€” replace it with whatever form of self-expression you’d like.

Learning kernel development on hard mode

When I started self-studying kernel development via MIT 6.828 (2018)’s open source materials (JOS OS), I thought I was making my life easier by not starting from scratch. Doing this allowed me to get going very quickly with a base skeleton for an OS, as well as a fully functioning build system and helper Makefile command for debugging with qemu.

That was great, but I’ve realized that there are also many ways I’m doing this on hard mode:

  • Doing it in only 2-3 hours a week
    • This is not really enough time to develop an OS, and is particularly hard for debugging, where it can be helpful to have significant context built up for longer sessions.
  • Live-streaming almost all of it
    • This can be very distracting and make me go at a slower pace than usual, since I try to engage with viewers and answer questons. On the other hand, explaining things helps solidify my understanding.
  • Working with a 6 year old code-base, but using a newer toolchain โ€” which means fighting bitrot
    • There have been multiple cases where the codebase actually got in my way and produced very hard to debug bugs. Also, when I transition labs, it introduces a bunch of foreign code that I don’t understand. It can be difficult to tell if I truly have something broken, or if the new code is in an intermediate state that is meant to yield issues like crashes or assertion failures.