6 months of live-streaming

I’ve been live-streaming weekly for six months now, and I’ve noticed a virtuous flywheel develop.

  • Publicly committing to doing this activity creates pressure to follow through and do it
  • The more I do it, the more of a streak develops
  • The more the streak that develops, the more I want to keep it up and not break it (Especially if I’m very public about the streak)
  • The more I want to keep it up and not break it, the more I prioritize it
  • The more I prioritize it, the more importance it gets in my schedule, and other things are scheduled around it

This has been a powerful cycle to harness because the activity (learning OS development) is deeply aligned with my interests and aspirations โ€” so I’ve effectively designed a system that provides positive pressure towards doing something good for me.

Any thoughts?