Who’s offlinemark?

I’m an artist & engineer in Berlin. I work on digital musical instruments at Ableton and am a developer on the team that created Ableton Move. I also live stream OS development every Sunday @ 10:00 ET.

Previously, I worked on emulators, operating systems, and malware R&D in the infosec industry. I found a memory corruption bug in LLDB once and also have a tiny patch in the Linux kernel.

I write about topics like computer science, creativity, life, and career, with this site being somewhere between a personal blog, journal, and research archive. Check out the the Archive, as well as my Twitter, Youtube, and Podcast.

I am currently ten years into my journey towards becoming a pro systems programmer.


Fun Facts

I produce music. (And have been since 2010 — longer than I’ve been programming). I used to make metal, but now make wave and did a one-off emo EP once.

In 2020, I took a gap year and created Timestamps, a workflow product for DJs, which I grew to a humble $50 MRR before making it free. It’s processed 12,000+ project files since 2020, and gets a few uploads every day.

I then spent the fall working at a fast food restaurant.

Open Source

  • file(1) – Reported ELF coredump parsing bug
  • Linux man-pages – Reported undocumented inaccuracy in /proc memory statistics
  • I got cited on the LKML
  • I was quoted in LWN
  • Linux Kernel – Discovered & patched misleading error logging during OOM conditions
  • LLDB – Discovered & patched memory corruption bug in “finish” command
  • osquery – Significant improvements to coverage of local certificate stores on Windows (via Trail of Bits)
  • DMTCP – Implemented filesystem path virtualization for checkpointed applications


Public Speaking

Academic Papers

  • ASE 2019: “Manticore: A User-Friendly Symbolic Execution Framework for Binaries and Smart Contracts”


  • 2021 – HYPEBEAST covered the release of “DANGER” which I produced for YAOKAI & Sleet Mage.
  • 2021 – JustMerk featured “ANTIMATTER” which I produced with Nick Neutronz.