What I learned in my 20s

I had the privilege of speaking to my friend Andre’s high school class this week about my career and path to it. I didn’t have time for all the advice I’d give, so I’m putting it here:

It’s ok to not be able to answer “So where do you see yourself in 5 years?”.

That’s a hard question, and it’s ok to not immediately know the answers to hard questions.

In my experience, most of my life was in a state of not really knowing this, with one major exception: When I realized in 2017-2018 that I really wanted to work for Ableton in Germany. Then it became startingly clear where I wanted to be, and approximately what I needed to do.

My advice would be to simply start taking actions while being observant of yourself, and your strengths, interests, and natural inclinations. At what things do you naturally work harder than other people? What things seem like play to you, but work to others? Those are hints at areas you can excel and become world class.

Eventually after enough action (and reflection), you might have an insight about something you deeply want to make happen. And then suddenly it becomes clear.

“As you start to walk on the way, the way appears.” – Rumi

It might seem like life is a race, from start to finish, where checkpoints are things like: university, job, marriage, children. When you “graduate high school” (i.e. become an adult), the gun goes off. Everyone starts running and the first one to make it through, wins.

In my experience, the “race” is actually a custom trail for every single person. When you “graduate high school” (i.e. become an adult), the gun goes off and everyone starts running in different directions. Another person’s progress towards their endpoint has little to no relevance on your progress towards yours.

The only competition is to know yourself as fully as possible, and act with maximum authenticity towards that truth.

A simple strategy towards achieving success and fulfillment is looking for:

  1. A “vertical”: An industry which you have particular interest (e.g. music, fashion, film, journalism, activism, sports, …)
  2. A “horizontal”: A skill which you have interest in and aptitude for (e.g. technology, writing, art, photography, communication, …)

And then work at the intersection of the two. Basically every vertical needs every horizontal. Every industry needs programmers, communicators, creatives, etc.

This strategy is not foolproof, but can be a good approximate path for those without one. And it worked well for me!

Seek like-minded peers. The first time this happened to me blew my mind β€” I went to the National Guitar Workshop in 2010 and met a bunch of other teenagers that were interested in writing original metal compositions and recording them on computers. This was a life-changing experience and gave me friendship, motivation, and a sense of community.

Then in college, I went to NU Hacks and the same thing happened. I found a great network of aspiring hackers, and we became great friends and learned together.

In both cases, all these people are now doing amazing things in the world in their field. And these relationships have turned into the kind of life-long friendships that are one of the best things in life.

Greatness is built iteratively, over a long period of time.

Don’t be afraid to exploit your unfair advantages.

gardenOS Update 2: 12 weeks of streaming

I’ve been streaming myself doing basic OS hacking for 12 weeks now. Here’s a reflection & some things I’ve learned:

  • I’ve gotten compliments on my audio quality – good to know that my mic setup is good.
  • I got negative feedback that my screen size was too small – I took action and now stream at 720p which seems comically large to me, but produces a more readable video.
  • I got a positive comment on how relaxed I was.
  • I got miscellaneous positivity and encouragement from people, wishing me well for my OS, even though I think it’s unlikely they really watched the whole thing or grasp how wildly far I am away from anything significant.
  • Performance varies from ~70 views on a video to 1.6k. Live streams tend to do better than pre-recorded videos. I believe also posting about it on Twitter helps.
  • I got one chat comment from a person really excited about gardening specifically, and followed specifically because I used this phrasing.
  • I have a couple people that are interested and follow fairly closely – shoutout to l1zard and arash11!
  • I have 10 people in my Discord despite not publicizing it. l1zard and Glenford Williams are the most active.
  • It seems to not really matter that I’m not doing any serious OS dev, or that I was doing boring stuff like working on the build system. Some people were still interested even though I was doing possibly the most boring tasks possible.
  • I slightly regret spending so long doing random Makefile and build system refactors which in retrospect were a bit of a waste of time. But in the end, taking any action at all was the most important thing, and now I have something in motion and can course correct. I already course corrected by quitting the build system and moving to working on C refactors. I might course correct again and entirely switch to JOS which has much better foundational build infrastructure etc, and is also much more minimal – leaving much more work for me to actually do, including accessible beginner projects. It might be worth simply trying the JOS assignments rather than randomly hacking around at will.

I’ve had a lot more growth than I would have thought: going from 300 to 700 subscribers, and > 1k views on some videos. There are a lot of reasons to think this wouldn’t have achieved those results:

  • It’s long, unedited, and the value in it is very sparse
  • I was just working on the build system, not really doing anything interesting
  • My font size was way too small for most streams
  • I stream on Sundays when people are plausibly out doing things (but on the other hand, maybe they’re relaxing inside)

Advice for learning the dark arts

I loved this episode of “My First Million”:


It’s about how to communicate effectively for persuasion, which is very useful in business and life.

But I wanted to explicitly state an underlying assumption of their conversation: These techniques are a “dark art”.

These are not general principles for all kinds of writing. It would be mistaken to assume that one must apply these principles in any kind of writing β€” ie.g. academic, creative, formal. These are techniques to deploy when you have specific goals for your writing, and are writing within specific contexts.

They come with tradeoffs and sacrifices, such as making your writing more “sales-y” or “clickbait-y”, which can decrease credibility or compromise an artistic vision. The exact tradeoffs depend on the context and community, but they exist. That’s why I call them a dark art.

What is mastery?

To use an analogy from cooking:

Mastery is when the chef not only knows how to make oatmeal the “right” way, but is able to answer if you ask “What happens if we use half the water? Twice as much butter? No butter at all? 4x the milk?”. Because they’ve tried all these things before.

A master understands where the canonical solution fits in the greater design space of all solutions, and the tradeoffs involved. They can explain, in depth, what happens if you “do it wrong”, and can provide examples of instances where you might want to.

A master understands when the laws of gravity actually break. 1

gardenOS Update 1

(This is a random collection of thoughts around my new operating systems project, “gardenOS”.)

What’s up with the “gardening” terminology?

This is a phrase that I feel perfectly describes the ethos of this project. In the same way people have gardens as calm places to express themselves, learn things, and have fun doing work, I want to create an analogous place for exploring my interest in operating systems.

Some key tenants of the approach:

  • No stress
  • Have fun
  • Pursue whatever interests you

I don’t have particularly strong OSdev skills at the moment, so I’m especially focusing on doing small, easy tasks, such as cleaning up the build system. I do this in the same way you might spend an afternoon picking weeds in your little garden. It’s easy, well understood, not too complicated, no large decisions to be made β€” and it concretely improves the project. It’s a concrete win you can lock in, in a fixed amount of time, with fairly little work.

Disclaimer: I’m almost apprehensive to even give this project a name

I’m worried that even naming this project (“gardenOS”) will put too much pressure on me. I am deeply aware that OS’s take monumental amounts of time and energy to even get to basic states. And at my current rate (~2 hours a week), it’s unlikely we will get to even basic levels soon.

I wasn’t expecting things to get this philosophical this quickly. My focus above all, is to have fun, learn things, and make some small progress each week in the stream. Each week where I do a stream or do some work, any any of that happens, is a win.

I explicitly hold very few expectations around a future “goal” of the project or where I want it to end up. I just want to have fun and learn things about operating systems.

The loose vision I have is to create a minimal OS for play and experimentation. It should be a high quality codebase, and I should work on it as if I wanted to present my best self as an aspiring pro systems programmer.

The ethos of the project

Even though the project is in a maximally nascent stage, I already feel a certain ethos evolving. In the project, we emphasize:

  • Relaxed, casual, kind attitude
  • Learning mindset
  • Ambition to use programming best practices, and aspiring to become pro systems programmers
  • Portray an accurate “slice of life” of systems programming. Meaning: Show the day to day, which is not always thrilling tasks (like adding a syscall), but simply just working on the build system or refactoring some code.

My experience after doing four streams

I’ve done four streams so far (2 live, 2 recorded). My big worries are that I’ll run out of stuff to do and have to scramble to find something to do, live.

This has never happened β€” I’m always surprised at the adventures “we” find ourselves going on

The use of “we”

The project is just me at the moment, but there’s something about using “we” to describe it that makes me feel good.

It’s not just to make myself seem more impressive, or feel less alone. When I use it, I think of the handful of enthusiastic people that have joined me in the live streams, or left comments with questions or encouragement.

Even in these earliest of days, there is some tiny, microscopic community feel forming. So when I say “we”, I speak for this community.

The astonishing cost/benefit asymmetry of a four-day work week

Work update: I reduced to working 4 days/week and the cost/benefit asymmetry is astonishing.

Just one extra free day might not sound like much, but I feel like I gain >100% more high quality free time (Friday off is even better than Saturday; Sunday is not high quality free time for me – too much adulting to do).

And I lose only 20% of my productive work capacity (Well a bit more; Friday would be a more productive day than average for me b/c it’s quieter & less meetings).

I’ve constantly felt squashed the last few years, but always convinced myself it was a me problem, rather than a possibility that even “normal” working hours didn’t actually leave me with enough free time for everything I had to do*. (Maybe some of both)

But my energy and mood are way better than in a long time, so maybe it goes to show that the latter was the case, and one extra day can go a long way. (But that’s less surprising when you frame it as 100% more time).

I do need to be a bit more conscious of how I use my work week, and I have noticed a tendency to try to fit 5 days of work into 4… but overall it’s going well. I’m curious if I end up filling up the extra personal capacity and end up just as stressed, but I somehow doubt that will happen.


*You might ask, well why are you so busy anyway? Are you just piling on voluntary responsibilities?

I’ve thought about this at length and I think my answer is glibly, “expat life”.

Resources for learning systems programming

A note of caution: Be careful of spending too much time doing the easy work of looking for “resources”, rather than the hard work of consistent practice. Have fun πŸ™‚

Top Recommendations



University Course Materials



Linux/POSIX Userspace

  • The Linux Programming Interface: A Linux and UNIX System Programming Handbook


Concurrency & Parallelism

Turtles all the way down

Everything is an app to the layer below it.

  • A web app is an app to the web browser
  • The web browser is an app to the operating system
  • The operating system is an app to the bootloader
  • The bootloader is an app to the boot ROM
  • The boot ROM is an app to the CPU boot sequence

Tip: When you’re learning a new programming language, look up prominent open source projects and copy their style

Tip: When you’re learning a new programming language, look up prominent open source projects and copy their style.

Aside from the core language, there are many conventions & little details to learn: naming (variables, classes, files), file structuring, literal code formatting

These are things few blogs talk about because it’s highly opinionated. But nevertheless when you’re learning, you’ll benefit from at least some reference for these.

Find a few “professional” open source projects and browse to see what various interpretations of “professional style” are. Then pick one you like most.

Be careful of picking projects that are too old β€” they might use older style for consistency with legacy, even though they might ideally wish to modernize it.

And ideally pick projects whose contributors are experienced engineers who work on it full-time. Since they “live in” the codebase, they’re less likely to tolerate sloppiness – or are at least more invested in cleaning it up.

The last idea is influenced by @awesomekling, who talks about similar things in his classic “My top advice for programmers looking to improve” car-talk video =]

Even if people already know the plot, they appreciate the way you tell the story

This is something my former colleague, Trent Brunson, told me on Twitter once that I’ll never forget. I tweeted earnestly how there were many things I wanted to share, but was concerned that everyone else knows these things already.

Trent’s (now-deleted) reply was:

I can’t think of a single time where I haven’t learned something from you. Keep sharing! Even if people already know the plot, they appreciate the way you tell the story.

So go forth, share freely, and don’t worry if the topic has already been covered, or if people are already familiar with what you’d like to share.