Dimensions of life happiness

On average, what are the primary, minimal set of life dimensions that collectively contribute towards net happiness?

Or put another way, what are the common causes of dissatisfaction with one’s life, due to lack of something?

Here’s what I could come up with:

  • Monetary Wealth
  • Physical Space
  • Fame
  • Power / Leverage
  • Health / Fitness / Beauty
  • Romantic Relationships
  • Family Relationships
  • Friend Relationships
  • Adventure
  • Freedom
  • Personal Fulfillment
  • Skill

Not everyone is expected to want all of these. But, the list should generally represent the primary desires, on average, of people.

For each dimension, there is no fixed amount that qualifies as “enough to happy” โ€” rather, each goes from zero to “however much you desire in your ideal life”. If you have zero dire for fame, and don’t have any fame, then you have fulfilled this dimension. Note that it is possible also to have too much of a dimension (i.e. too much fame).

WIP: I considered “career success” as something, but I left it out. I think it can be covered by others here.

Any thoughts?